The Great Perhaps
Performance Collective
The Great Perhaps Performance Collective (TGP) is a group of contemporary performance artists that have an urge to share their skills with each other. They seek to explore and experiment with cross pollination of work. TGP does this by teaching each other and exploring the liminal world between disciplines.
"I go to seek the Great Perhaps." the alleged last words of the writer, Francois Rabelais. We stole them from the John Green Young Adult novel, "Looking for Alaska."In which, the main character goes to a boarding school to seek his "Great Perhaps."
This group is a support for the members to venture into the unknown, the maybes, the daring, the dangerous, the questionable, the doomed, and the saved, it is a support of the Great Perhaps'.
The artists range in skills from dance, theatre, circus, visual arts, costuming, directing, and the lands in between and beyond. The group is based in Boulder, Colorado, but there are members in St. Louis, Kansas City, the east coast, and Iceland.
Artist Bios

Ben Waugh
Founder, Member
"I go to seek a great perhaps"
- Francois Rabelais
The seeking of maybes and exploration of defining experiences is what motivates Ben's work. He holds an MFA from Naropa University and has been seen in the Front Range with the Band of Toughs as well as in circus aerial performance and other physical theatre.

Kate Moore
Founding Member
Working on the fringe, Kate embraces the absurd and the grotesque in her search for creating "dangerous" art. Since receiving her MFA in Contemporary Performance from Naropa University, Kate continues to develop her one-person performance piece centered around the anthropomorphic representation of depression and mental illness through a fabric dummy
named D.

Katie Medved
Founding Member
Katie Medved is thrilled to be back home in Colorado and to be a member of this team. Most of her performance time has been spent in New York City where she was a member of The Exquisite Corpse Company; an immersive, integrated arts company. Since returning home she has worked with the Colorado Springs Conservatory, Arts in the Open, the Athena Project, CenterStage Theater, and the Band of Toughs.

Victoria Pilar González
Founding Member
Inspired by everything between before or beyond life and death, Victoria González is a multidisciplinary artist, meditator, educator, and healer. Victoria's work is eclectic, imbued with active hope, radical compassion, and love.
They hold an MFA in Theater: Contemporary Performance from Naropa University and a BA in Philosophy from Westminster College.

Amy C. Buckler Rusterholz
Collaborating Member
In her art making and activism, Amy strives to facilitate spaces for community and deeper understanding to flourish. Amy is an Artistic Associate with square product theatre in Boulder, CO and serves on the Board of 20% Theatre Company Chicago. She was a founding member of the Occupy Chicago Rebel Arts Collective and a graduate of Northwestern University.