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Summer 2017

Boulder International Fringe Festival
  • My Days with D
  • The Real
Fort Collins Fringe Festival
  • A Funeral for Hopes and Dreams

My Days with D illuminates the peculiar relationship a woman develops with her depression, which is brought to life as D, a character all his own. And like any relationship, the woman and D have their turmoils and triumphs – because how does one love depression?

My Days with D was originally generated as a performance piece for Kate's Master of Fine Arts thesis at Naropa University in 2015.  Since that time, the piece has developed into a quirky examination of the relationship between a person and their mental illness, specifically depression, which is brought to life by a life-size fabric dummy named D. The process for devising this piece has been as equally cathartic and healing for her as she has found it to be for audiences during workshop performances over the past two years. View performance and rehearsal footage on her Vimeo page.

The 6-performance run of My Days with D in the Boulder Fringe is only the first foray in what Kate hopes to be a continued journey for this production. She is currently working

with a marketing adviser to establish connections with art/drama therapists, mental health institutions and centers, and arts organizations 

throughout Colorado. She seeks to

bring this piece to people who might not otherwise be able to experience it, but who may need the artistic healing the most.


For Kate, that means this piece is a labor of love.  It is her intent to provide this offering regardless of the financial means of those receiving it. To do so, she is seeking to raise $5000 by August 27th to be able to rent rehearsal and performance space, to continue to compensate artistic collaborators who technically manager and run the production, and to provide travel reimbursement should the instance arise. She has raised $920 so far, a portion from a grant from the Boulder Arts Commission and the remainder from generous individual donors.​

The Real: A play about one woman's spiritual journey with cults, clones, and government conspiracies. 

Once part of a government-sponsored genetic experiment, Alice Becker has kidnapped a baby and gone into hiding. She reaches out to friends to explain her actions and ask for help. With her body failing, she begins to question her identity and the nature of reality as she waits for rescue.


A regional premiere in Boulder, Colorado.



















Written by Leslie Grasa

Performed by Leslie Grasa

Directed by Victoria González

Produced by Annie W Lo and Victoria González

A Funeral for Hopes and Dreams

A multi-media performance ritual event extravaganza presented in collaboration with ShapeShifter


A wild and totally unique experience, including five performers, audience participation, video projection, music, dance, storytelling and poetry… a night of art like never before!

























"ShapeShifter is a collaboration that centers around the choreographed movement of Mandy Hackman set to the music of Miles Wilder.
We take many forms.
ShapeShifter performs in small spaces like coffee shop stages and houseshows, Shifting shapes on furniture and other common objects.
ShapeShifter can expand to fit a larger venue that can accommodate aerial performances, full band setup, and amplification.
ShapeShifter plays in forests and parks, where Mandy dances in trees to Miles’ acoustic accompaniment."


Performed by
Miles Wilder – music, dance, storytelling
Mandy Hackman and Ben Waugh – dance

Hayden Dansky – poetry

Adam – music

Fall 2016

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